东莞市钻宝电子有限公司是一家专注于电感元件之研制、生产及销售,是一家全系列电感器、开关插座等产品一站式采购服务的专业供应商。持续的技术创新,迅捷的客户服务,先进的品质管理体系 — 使我们有能力为全球客户提供优质的产品和服务,并逐渐成为一家优秀的电感器专业制造商。
我们是一个创造性的团队,公司一贯秉持“以人为本”之管理思想和“技术创新,迅捷服务,先进管理”之经营理念,并将“一个一个” 作为我们行动之座右铭。
Dongguan Zuanbao Electronic Co., Ltd. is a focus on the development of the inductive
element, the production and sales, is a can Inductors full range of products to provide one-stop
shopping services of professional providers. Continuous technological innovation, customer
service and quick Services, advanced quality management system - so that we have the ability
to provide quality products and services to customers around the world, and has become An
excellent inductor manufacturer.
We in Dongguan, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, with sales liaison offices in mainland China north,
south and build have two factories, East China and South China can provide customers more
rapid, localized service.
We are a creative team, the company has consistently uphold the "people-oriented" management thinking and the "technological innovation, fast McNair services, advanced management " business philosophy, and" one by one "as the motto of our actions.